MatchZy w/ Practice Mode
MatchZy is a plugin for CS2 that runs and manages practice/pugs/scrims/matches with easy configuration!
What can MatchZy do?
MatchZy can solve a lot of match management requirements. It provides basic commands like !ready
, !unready
, !pause
, !unpause
, !tac
, !tech
, match stats, and much more!
Feature highlights:
- Practice Mode many more commands!
- Warmup with infinite money 🤑
- Knife round (With expected logic, i.e., the team with the most players wins. If the same number of players, then the team with HP advantage wins. If the same HP, the winner is decided randomly)
- Start live match (after knife winner makes side selection. Knife round can also be disabled by the
commands). - Automatically starts demo recording and stops recording when the match is ended
- Coaching system - (Coach need to join team, before
.coach ct t
work) - Damage report after every round
- Support for round restore (Currently using the vanilla valve's backup system)
- Provides easy configuration
Usage Commands
Most of the commands can also be used using ! prefix instead of . (like !ready or /ready)
Use the search bar below to find a command:
Match Control Commands
- .ready Marks you as ready to start the match. All players must be ready before the match can begin.Example: .ready
- .unready Removes your ready status.Example: .unready
- .pause Initiates a normal match pause during freezetime.Example: .pause
- .unpause Requests to resume the match. Both teams must type .unpause to continue.Example: .unpause
- .tech Initiates a technical pause during freezetime for technical issues.Example: .tech
- .tac Calls a tactical timeout for your team.Example: .tac
- .stop Requests to restore the current round. Both teams must type .stop to restore.Example: .stop
- .uncoach Leaves coaching slotExample: .uncoach
- .coach Starts coaching the specified team side (t/ct).(Aliases: .coach ct)Example: .coach t
- .stay Stays on the same side after winning knife round.Example: .stay
- .switch Switches sides after winning knife round.(Aliases: .swap)Example: .switch
Practice Commands
- .back <number> Teleports to a specific position in grenade history.Example: .back 1Arguments:
- number: Optional: Position number to teleport to
- .bot Adds a bot at your current position.Example: .bot
- .nobot Removes one bot each.Example: .nobot
- .nobots Removes all the botsExample: .nobots
- .crouchbot Adds a crouched bot at your position.(Aliases: .cbot)Example: .crouchbot
- .crouchboost Adds crouched bot and boosts you on it.Example: .crouchboost
- .break Breaks all breakable entities (glass, doors, vents).Example: .break
- .breakrestore Restore all breakable entities (glass, doors, vents).Example: .breakrestore
- .clear Removes all active utility (smokes, molotovs, incendiaries).Example: .clear
- .ct, .t, .spec Changes to specified team.Example: .ct
- .ctspawn Teleports to CT spawn position.(Aliases: .cts)Example: .ctspawn 1Arguments:
- number: Required: Spawn position number
- .tspawn Teleports to T spawn position.(Aliases: .ts)Example: .tspawn 1Arguments:
- number: Required: Spawn position number
- .spawn <number> Spawns to the provided competitive spawn number of same teamExample: .spawn 1
- .dryrun Enables dry-run mode for practice.(Aliases: .dry)Example: .dryrun
- .fastforward Fast-forwards server time to 20 seconds.(Aliases: .ff)Example: .fastforward
- .god Toggles god mode.Example: .god
- .bestspawn Teleports you to your team closest spawn from your current positionExample: .bestspawn
- .worstspawn Teleports you to your team furthest spawn from your current positionExample: .worstspawn
- .bestctspawn Teleports you to CT team closest spawn from your current positionExample: .bestctspawn
- .worstctspawn Teleports you to CT team furthest spawn from your current positionExample: .worstctspawn
- .besttspawn Teleports you to T team closest spawn from your current positionExample: .besttspawn
- .worsttspawn Teleports you to T team furthest spawn from your current positionExample: .worsttspawn
- .showspawns Highlights all the competitive spawnsExample: .showspawns
- .hidespawns Hides the highlighted spawnsExample: .hidespawns
- .watchme Forces all players into spectator except the player who called this command(Aliases: .fas)Example: .watchme
- .noflash Toggles immunity for flashbang(Aliases: .noblind)Example: .noflash
- .rethrow Rethrows your last thrown grenade(Aliases: .rt)Example: .rethrow
- .timer Starts a timer immediately and stops it when you type .timer again, telling you the duration of timeExample: .timer
- .throwindex <index> <optional index> <optional index> Throws grenade of provided position(s) from your grenade thrown history.Example: .throwindex 1 2
- .lastindex Prints index number of your last thrown grenade.Example: .lastindex
- .rethrowsmoke Throws your last thrown smoke grenade.Example: .rethrowsmoke
- .rethrownade Throws your last thrown HE grenade.Example: .rethrownade
- .rethrowflash Throws your last thrown flash.Example: .rethrowflash
- .rethrowmolotov Throws your last thrown molotov.Example: .rethrowmolotov
- .rethrowdecoy Throws your last thrown decoy.Example: .rethrowdecoy
- .solid Toggles mp_solid_teammatesExample: .solid
- .impacts Toggles sv_showimpactsExample: .impacts
- .traj Toggles sv_grenade_trajectory_prac_pipreviewExample: .traj
Grenade Practice Commands
- .delay Sets delay for .rethrow or .throwindex.Example: .delay 5
- .deletenade Deletes saved lineup.(Aliases: .dn)Example: .deletenade smoke_a_site
- .importnade Imports a grenade lineup using a provided code.(Aliases: .in)
- .last Returns to last grenade throw position.Example: .last
- .listnades Lists saved lineups, optional filter.(Aliases: .lin)Example: .listnades smoke
- .loadnade Loads saved lineup.(Aliases: .ln)Example: .loadnade smoke_mid
- .rethrow Rethrows last grenade.(Aliases: .rt)Example: .rethrow
- .savenade Saves current lineup.(Aliases: .sn)Example: .savenade smoke_a_main Smoke for A main
- .throwindex Throws grenades from history positions.Example: .throwindex 1 2
Admin Commands
- .ctname Sets CT team name.Example: .ctname TeamName
- .tname Sets T team name.Example: .tname TeamName
- .exitdry Exits DryRun mode to Practice mode.Example: .exitdry
- .exitprac Exits Practice mode to Match mode.Example: .exitprac
- .force Starts the match while skipping the knife round.(Aliases: .start)Example: .force
- .forcepause Admin-pauses match (players cannot unpause).(Aliases: .fp)Example: .forcepause
- .forceunpause Force-unpauses match.(Aliases: .fup)Example: .forceunpause
- .knife Toggles knife round. If disabled, skips Warmup phase.(Aliases: .rk, .kr, .kniferound)Example: .knife
- .match Activates Match mode with knife round enabled.Example: .match
- .prac Starts Practice mode.(Aliases: .tactics)Example: .prac
- .readyrequired Sets required ready players count.Example: .readyrequired 10
- .restore Restores specified round backup.Example: .restore 5
- .restart Forcefully restarts/resets match.(Aliases: .end, .endgame, .endmatch, .forceend, .stopmatch)Example: .restart
- .scrim Activates Scrim mode (no knife round, all rounds played).Example: .scrim
- .settings Shows current match settings.Example: .settings