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An open-source CounterStrikeSharp powered server-side practicing plugin for CS2. It provides multiple prefire practices on competitive map pool maps and supports multiplayer practicing concurrently.

  1. To play Open Prefire Practice, type the command: !prefireon in the chat.
  2. After the server changes the map, use the command: !prefire to enable Prefire Practice.
    You can also refer to the list below for all available commands.

In-Game Commands

You can also use several shortcut commands for quicker access.

  • !prefire prac [number]: Start practicing on a selected route.
  • !prefire map [map name]: Switch to another map.
  • !prefire df [1-6]: Set the difficulty.
  • !prefire mode [rand/full]: Set training mode.
  • !prefire bw [rand/ump/ak/sct/awp]: Set weapons for bots.
  • !prefire exit: Stop practicing.