Retakes w/ RetakesAllocator
A C# implementation of Retakes for CS2, built using CounterStrikeSharp and inspired by Splewis's version for CS:GO.
We use RetakesAllocator from Yoni cs2-retakes-allocator
Retake Allocation Configuration for Pro Server
Retake Allocation Config
"UsableWeapons": [
"AllowedWeaponSelectionTypes": [
"DefaultWeapons": {
"Terrorist": {
"FullBuyPrimary": "AK47",
"HalfBuyPrimary": "Mac10",
"Secondary": "Deagle",
"PistolRound": "Glock"
"CounterTerrorist": {
"FullBuyPrimary": "M4A1S",
"HalfBuyPrimary": "MP9",
"Secondary": "Deagle",
"PistolRound": "USPS"
"MaxNades": {
"Terrorist": {
"Flashbang": 2,
"Smoke": 1,
"Molotov": 1,
"HighExplosive": 1
"CounterTerrorist": {
"Flashbang": 2,
"Smoke": 1,
"Incendiary": 2,
"HighExplosive": 1
"MaxTeamNades": {
"Terrorist": {
"Pistol": "AverageOnePerPlayer",
"HalfBuy": "AverageOnePointFivePerPlayer",
"FullBuy": "AverageOnePointFivePerPlayer"
"CounterTerrorist": {
"Pistol": "AverageOnePerPlayer",
"HalfBuy": "AverageOnePointFivePerPlayer",
"FullBuy": "AverageOnePointFivePerPlayer"
"RoundTypeSelection": "Random",
"RoundTypePercentages": {
"Pistol": 15,
"HalfBuy": 25,
"FullBuy": 60
"RoundTypeRandomFixedCounts": {
"Pistol": 5,
"HalfBuy": 10,
"FullBuy": 15
"RoundTypeManualOrdering": [
"Type": "Pistol",
"Count": 5
"Type": "HalfBuy",
"Count": 10
"Type": "FullBuy",
"Count": 15
"MigrateOnStartup": true,
"ResetStateOnGameRestart": true,
"AllowAllocationAfterFreezeTime": true,
"UseOnTickFeatures": true,
"CapabilityWeaponPaints": true,
"EnableRoundTypeAnnouncement": true,
"EnableRoundTypeAnnouncementCenter": false,
"EnableBombSiteAnnouncementCenter": false,
"BombSiteAnnouncementCenterToCTOnly": false,
"DisableDefaultBombPlantedCenterMessage": false,
"ForceCloseBombSiteAnnouncementCenterOnPlant": true,
"BombSiteAnnouncementCenterDelay": 1,
"BombSiteAnnouncementCenterShowTimer": 5,
"EnableBombSiteAnnouncementChat": false,
"EnableNextRoundTypeVoting": false,
"NumberOfExtraVipChancesForPreferredWeapon": 1,
"AllowPreferredWeaponForEveryone": true,
"ChanceForPreferredWeapon": 100,
"MaxPreferredWeaponsPerTeam": {
"Terrorist": 1,
"CounterTerrorist": 1
"MinPlayersPerTeamForPreferredWeapon": {
"Terrorist": 1,
"CounterTerrorist": 1
"EnableCanAcquireHook": true,
"LogLevel": "Information",
"ChatMessagePluginName": "Retakes",
"ChatMessagePluginPrefix": null,
"InGameGunMenuCenterCommands": "gunsmenu,gunmenu,!gunmenu,!gunsmenu,!menugun,!menuguns",
"InGameGunMenuChatCommands": "guns,!guns,gun,!gun",
"ZeusPreference": "Never",
"DatabaseProvider": "Sqlite",
"DatabaseConnectionString": "Data Source=data.db",
"AutoUpdateSignatures": true
Use the search bar below to find a command:
Retake Commands
- .guns / .gun Opens the Weapon Chat Menu.Example: .gunsArguments:
- !guns / !gun Opens the Weapon Chat Menu.Example: !gunsArguments:
- !gunsmenu / !gunmenu / .gunmenus Opens the Weapon Center Chat Menu.Example: !gunsmenuArguments:
- !showspawns Displays the spawns for the specified bombsite.Example: !showspawns AArguments:
- A / B: Required: Specify the bombsite (A or B).
- !addspawn Adds a retake spawn point for the bombsite spawns currently shown.Example: !addspawn CT YArguments:
- CT/T: Required: Specify Counter-Terrorists (CT) or Terrorists (T).
- Y / N: Required: Indicate if the spawn point can be for a planter (Y/N).
- !removespawn Removes the nearest spawn point for the bombsite currently shown.Example: !removespawnArguments:
- !nearestspawn Teleports the player to the nearest spawn point.Example: !nearestspawnArguments:
- !hidespawns Exits the spawn editing mode.Example: !hidespawnsArguments:
- !scramble Scrambles the teams for the next round.Example: !scrambleArguments: