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Manage your Counter-Strike 2 server by simple commands :)


css_hideHide admin on scoreboard and commands action
css_adminDisplay all admin commands (Only for this plugin)
css_who <#userid or name>Display informations about player
css_playersDisplay player list
css_ban <#userid or name> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Ban Player
css_addban <steamid> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Ban player via steamid64
css_banip <ip> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Ban player via IP address
css_unban <steamid or name or ip>Unban player
css_kick <#userid or name> [reason]Kick player
css_gag <#userid or name> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Gag player
css_addgag <steamid> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Gag player via steamid64
css_ungag <steamid or name>Ungag player
css_mute <#userid or name> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Mute player
css_addmute <steamid> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Mute player via steamid64
css_unmute <steamid or name>Unmute player
css_silence <#userid or name> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Silence player
css_addsilence <steamid> [time in minutes/0 perm] [reason]Silence player via steamid64
css_unsilence <steamid or name>Unsilence player
css_give <#userid or name> <WeaponName>Gives a weapon to a Player
css_strip <#userid or name>Takes all of the player weapons
css_hp <#userid or name> [health]Set player health
css_speed <#userid or name> [speed]Set player speed
css_god <#userid or name>Toggle godmode for player
css_slay <#userid or name>Kill player
css_slap <#userid or name> [damage]Slap player
css_team <#userid or name> [<ct/tt/spec/swap>][-k] Change player team (swap - swap player team, -k - kill player)
css_vote ["Question?">] ["Answer1"] ["Answer2"] ...Create vote
css_asay <message>Say message to all admins
css_say <message>Say message as admin in chat
css_psay <#userid or name> <message>Sends private message to player
css_csay <message>Say message as admin in center
css_hsay <message>Say message as admin in hud
css_noclip <#userid or name>Toggle noclip for player
css_freeze <#userid or name> [duration]Freeze player
css_unfreeze <#userid or name>Unfreeze player
css_rename <#userid or name> <new name>Rename player
css_prename <#userid or name> <new name>Permanently rename player (until the server restarts - don't set new name to remove perm rename)
css_respawn <#userid or name>Respawn player
css_cvar <cvar> <value>Change cvar value
team_chat @MessageSay message to all admins